TERMS OF REFERENCE for External Evaluator of Participatory and Learning Evaluation for the Project Women Human Rights Advocates
Project: Women Human Rights Advocates funded by European Union, and implemented by the CURE Foundation (CURE) and Foundation for Women's Empowerment Bosnia and Herzegovina (FWE)
Organisation and place: The CUREFoundation CURE, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Evaluation Period: 01st November – 12th December, 2022
About CURE Foundation:
The CURE Foundation is a feminist-activist organization that promotes gender and sex equality and works for positive social changes through educational, cultural and research programs. By organizing affirmative action, CURE celebrates the strength and power of women, and helps empower individuals, so that they can become initiators of social changes in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the world. CURE is an organization of professionals and volunteers who go out on the streets as a sign of protest against violence, discrimination, violation of laws and basic human rights.
About Foundation for Women's Empowerment Bosnia and Herzegovina:
The Foundation for Women's Empowerment is an independent and non-profit women’s foundation based in Bosnia and Herzegovina fully committed to supporting initiatives of women`s grassroots civil society organizations (CSOs) in promoting women`s human rights, empowerment of women and gender equality.

Short description of the Project to be evaluated
With the Project Women Human Rights Advocates funded by the European Union, theCURE Foundation (CURE) and Foundation for Women's Empowerment Bosnia and Herzegovina (FWE) intention is to contribute to the promotion and respect of women’s rights through programs that encourage women and young women to take affirmative action to eradicate all forms of discrimination in BiH with a special focus on minority and marginalized groups of women in ten (10) municipalities.
The Project represents an outstanding opportunity for engaging mechanisms in the continuation of practical work around the human rights of women belonging to minority and marginalized groups, through organisation of joint trainings, implementation of comparable activities and exchange of good practice among actors and stakeholders.
The duration of the Project was envisaged to be 24 months (from 1st January, 2021 until 31st December, 2022). In that period, we have been working on strengthening the capacity of ten (10) organizations, as well as on making recommendations to institutions at the local level for the better position of women.
Project activities aim to strengthen the capacities of the WCSOs, women human rights defenders and democracy activists (right-holders), by providing them with coaching and peer learning, to enable them to have organizational capacities and knowledge to advocate for positive changes in seeking to address the issues of discrimination, exclusion and marginalization of women. The target beneficiaries of the Project are 10 WCSOs, which are representing marginalized and vulnerable groups, and at least 30 women and girls human rights defenders and democracy activists who plan to work on increasing their capacities and knowledge in initiating local measures and creating concrete opportunities for inclusion of the women belonging to marginalized and vulnerable groups. They are also engaged in policy dialogue with state officials ‘duty-bearers’ to remind them to meet their obligations and lobby them for full respect of the laws and strategies that BiH is obligated to implement.