Jadranka Miličević
Director and co-founder of the CURE Foundation
Jadranka Miličević is a peacemaker, feminist, activist, fighter for women's rights and the establishment of lasting peace in the country and the region. She is one of the co-founders of the CURE Foundation, where she is still active today as the director. Jadranka is the driving force in many processes that aim to improve women's rights and women's political participation. Whether it's about workshops on empowering women in small local communities, or whether it's about participation in public media shows, or street action - Jadranka is always among the first, and assumes the greatest burden of responsibility. She is tireless in providing continuous support to women, especially women members of marginalized groups (women who survived violence, women witnesses of the Women's Court, women with disabilities, Roma women, etc.). She is a member of the Organizing Committee of the BH Pride Parade and the International Women in Black Network. Jadranka lives her activism and it is part of her and her identity. This is evidenced by the numerous awards she received, among which are: "Strength of Excellence" of the Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Bosnia and Herzegovina for social engagement (2019), the Peace Award of the Network for Building Peace for achievements in promoting tolerance, human rights and peacebuilding (2016), and "100 Heroines of the World" Award, October 1998, Rochester, New York, USA. As a representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina, she participated in the European Parliament Sakharov program (2017). Several books, texts and films have been published about her work, and the latest presentation was published in the European Parliament's 2017 publication "They defend our freedoms".