The Sigrid Rausing Trust
The Sigrid Rausing Trust was founded in 1995. Our purpose is to promote the values and principles of human rights, equality and the rule of law, and to preserve nature from further degradation.

Western Balkans Fund
The Western Balkans Fund (WBF) is an international organization based in Tirana, Albania, founded by the governments of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. Its establishment, as a comprehensive initiative under regional ownership, is considered a clear sign of the new spirit of cooperation taking root in the Balkans...
Global Fund for Women
The Global Fund for Women was founded in 1987 in Palo Alto, California by four courageous women: Anne Firth Murray, Frances Kissling, Laura Lederer and Nita Barrow. They were convinced that women's human rights were essential for social, economic and political change...
The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation
The Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation works together with over 150 partner organizations in areas affected by war and conflict to achieve lasting peace by strengthening the influence and power of women...
Heart and Hand Fund
Since its establishment in 1999, the Fund has provided unlimited financing to organizations on the ground in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, Macedonia and Montenegro...

Women's World Day of Prayer
Svjetski dan molitve žena je globalni, ekumenski pokret kršćanskih žena. Njegov središnji dio je crkvena služba u kojoj svake godine liturgiju pripremaju žene u drugoj zemlji. Širom svijeta obilježava se prvog petka u martu...
Foundation TRAG
It all started during the NATO bombing in 1999, when Jenny Hyatt, a social practice consultant, spoke against the bombing of Serbia at a peace rally in Westminster Central Hall in London...
Foundation OAK
The Oak Foundation is family-run and reflects the vision and values of its founders. In its work, Oak follows rights-based approaches, gender equality and partnerships with the organizations we fund. We support civil society as a pillar of democracy and justice and foster innovation and visionary leadership within it...
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
The Friedrich Ebert Foundation started its work in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1994. Since 1996, it has been represented by an office in the capital, Sarajevo, and since 1998, it has also been represented by another office in Banja Luka. Since then, he has followed the transition process in the country in various ways...
Heinrich Böll Stiftung BiH
The Heinrich Böll Stiftung considers itself part of the green political current, which has developed outside the Federal Republic of Germany through the confrontation of the traditional political directions of socialism, liberalism and conservatism. Our common core values are ecology and sustainable development, democracy, human rights, self-determination and justice...

ISCOS Emilia Romagna - The Trade Unions Institute for Development Co-operation
The ISCOS Emilia-Romagna Committee was born in 1990 on the initiative and efforts of Enrico Giusti, a CISL trade unionist who died in October 2007...

Mediterranean Women’s Fund
Open cages, offer spaces of freedom, build bridges and unite generosity to give women the means to build a more just world…
Balkan Trust for Democracy
In mid-october 2021, within the framework of the „Speech against violence“ project, supported by the Balkan Fund for Democracy and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Norway, the CURE Foundation, in cooperation with the Autonomous Women’s Center (AWC), organized a four-day „Training for Trainers“ on gender-based violence in relations with young people...
The European Union as part of the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The 27 member states of the European Union fully and firmly support the European perspective of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a future member of the European Union, in accordance with the Thessaloniki Declaration from 2003...

ASTRAEA-Lesbian Foundation for Justice
Astraea is a public foundation, which means we collect every dollar we spend. Rooted in LGBTQI communities and movements, we work in strategic partnership with foundations, individuals and governments to ensure their resources reach the activists who need them most and are best positioned to make a transformative impact over time...

Die Feministishe Friedensorganisation CFD
CFD is an independent feminist peace organization. It strives to achieve equality and justice for all people. CFD is particularly committed to ensuring that women and girls benefit from equal access to resources, rights, participation in decision-making processes and opportunities for development and personal growth...
Municipality Center Sarajevo
The Municipality of Centar is one of the nine municipalities of Sarajevo Canton and at the same time the urban, administrative, business, cultural, educational, health, trade and service center of the City. The Municipality of Centar occupies an area of 33 km2 with a total border length of 43.3 km. Of that, 16.7% are inhabited areas. About 16 km of land is privately owned, and 17 km is state-owned...