Why women need to write – Write ON Sisters, write on!

EVE ENSLER  Sarajevo, September 11,2015

Why women need to write.

when we write we exist

we develop an alternative persona that is free

we practice liberation

we are seen

we are known

we take up space

we give voice to what we know and don’t know we know

writing forces us to go deeper, be more honest

to face our demons and wrestle with our limitations

we become  archaeologists mining the terrains of the subconscious

we become athletes developing the discipline and rigors of the body

we become magicians crafting our spells and tricks

we deepen our faith in direct experience –the most trusted force on the planet

we stay sane

we wake up and wake the others

we peel back layers

we delight

we embarrass

we disturb

we stir the witches brew

we find a path for articulating and catalyzing rage

into beauty and resistance

we connect

we burn

we are not alone and carve out a space in the larger

struggle and universe

we are ceaselessly humbled

we find our sisters

we write because we were told we could not

should not write

we write to question the givens

we write to defy the fathers that silenced us, raped us belittled us, undermined us. punished us for  the hugeness of our knowing, sexuality and life force, burned us at the stake

we write to

formant revolution

to love our characters into breath

to ride the original stream that pulses each one

of us

to meditate on the particular

to inhabit a rose and a refugee

to expand the breath of our compassion

to grieve

to make people laugh and to touch into the absurd

to merge with the mystical

to establish our place in time and history

to radicalize

to say what many are thinking but are afraid to say

to unearth  an alternative reality

to push boundaries

to break out of this prison of patriarchy

to breath life into a new landscape of being

to find allies

to provoke

to find justice

to explode taboos

to climb the orgiastic vibratory thread of language

to provoke

to refuse to be numb and dead

to provoke

to provoke

to provoke

we write because  it’s exhilarating and terrifying and deeply pleasurable and wildly torturous and impossible and

engaging in the impossible is the madly generous ongoing endless work of women.


Write ON Sisters, write on!

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