CURE Foundation Solidarity Fund
Solidarity and Rapid Support for Those in Need
From 2017 to 2024, the CURE Foundation Solidarity Fund has provided emergency financial and logistical support to individuals, families, informal groups, organizations, initiatives, and communities across Bosnia and Herzegovina. This type of emergency and direct assistance reflects the values of the CURE Foundation – feminist solidarity, connectivity, rapid response to the needs of the vulnerable, and continuous service to the community. Through various initiatives and emergency interventions, the Fund has provided direct help in the form of financial donations, material resources, and support. Every collaborator who consents to allocate 2% of their net fee to the purposes of the Solidarity Fund helps to maintain its existence. It is also funded through personal donations.
Since the first donation in early 2017, which provided funds to create a safe space for the LGBTIQ community, through to a donation in March 2023 to a student affected by the devastating earthquake in Turkey, support for the fundraising campaign for the literary project of the group “Rebel Readers” (Pobunjene čitateljke), up to humanitarian support in 2024 for the Red Cross in Novo Sarajevo or support for promoting women’s sports, by December 2024, CURE has donated a total of 7,545 KM for various purposes. Funds have been allocated for different needs, including assistance for women leaving shelters, medical help, support for civil society organizations, and humanitarian initiatives. Each donation represents more than just financial assistance—it is an act of friendship, compassion, feminist solidarity in practice, recognizing needs, and caring for others. In addition to this Fund and the total amount, there is a special fund into which members of the CURE Foundation continuously contribute, providing long-term support, in cash and in-kind, to women in need.
Philanthropic activity through flexible and informal assistance enables us to provide direct and effective intervention at moments when it is most needed. Although the specific purpose of each donation cannot be clearly delineated, we have attempted to group the total sum of donations into similar categories and summarize the amounts donated:
- Support for women and children, through organizations and individuals: 4,000 KM
- Medical assistance to individuals and humanitarian actions: 2,207 KM
- Peacebuilding: 800 KM
- Other donations: 538 KM
Total donations: 7,545 KM
We are delighted to engage in philanthropic activities, and through this Fund, we demonstrate that feminist activism is not just a struggle for systemic social changes and the redistribution of power, both theoretically and practically, but also a concrete, immediate action in the community. We will continue to strive to create space for feminist dialogue and fight for the rights of women and all marginalized groups, and within our internal rules and capabilities, actively assist our community, those facing various crisis situations, and organizations that promote human rights and social justice.