Call for Submission of Offers for BiH Women’s Fund Feasibility Study

We are opening a Call for Submission of Offers for BiH Women’s Fund Feasibility Study, a joint initiative between Sarajevo Open Centre and the CURE Foundation, supported by Mama Cash Foundation.

International donors and partner organisations support women’s activism in many areas. A significant number of donors and partner organisations has already left or will leave Bosnia and Herzegovina in the coming years. Differences in the access to rescources and information between women’s organisations in the regional centres and organisations in rural areas have a great impact on the work and development of these organisations. Financial resources which reach rural areas are not sufficent and are often not accessible to marginalised women. There is almost no support for women’s socially engaged art and science. In order to face these challenges, creating an independent and sustainable local mechanism for financing of women’s organisations and their activism is crucial.

Our goal is to conduct a research as a part feasibility study for creation of a foundation –BiH Women’s Fund. Sarajevo Open Centre and the CURE Foundation have initiated the idea of the Feasibility Study, while the process of BiH Women’s Fund creation would involve other organisations and people recognized as those who have a good grasp of the BiH women’s movement. Sarajevo Open Centre and the CURE Foundation will not be eligible for financial support nor funding from the BiH WF, if and when the Foundation is established.

The chosen consultants (or the consulting team) will be in charge of conducting the BiH Women’s Fund Feasibility Study. This study should, among other things, answer the following questions:

  • What are the organisational and financial needs of women’s organisations, with particular focus on organisations in rural areas, orgaisations which deal with marginalized women (i.e. Roma women, women with disability, lesbians/bi/trans* women) and organisations which are dealing with socially engaged women’s art and science?
  • How can the creation of sustainable structures within women’s organisations and informal groups be supported?
  • Are there differences between rural and urban women’s organisations, and what are they?
  • Are there differences between the needs of marginalized women’s organisations and other women’s organisations?
  • How should socially engaged women’s art and science be supported?
  • How will funds for BiH WF be raised and granted?
  • What is the optimal form of registration of BiH WF? (suggest at least 2 scenarios)
  • Which bodies of BiH WF need to be founded in order to secure efficient, transparent and sustainable long-term functioning?
  • How will BiH WF report about its work?

The whole process will be conducted in B/C/S and English language. All products (final documents) must be submitted in both languages.

Research will be conducted in the period from July 01 until December 31, 2014, and theFinal version of the Feasbility Study (in word format)in English and B/C/S, together with presentations on both languages in .ppt format, must be submitted by December 31, 2014.

For any further inquiries, please contact Sasa Gavric, at, Sarajevo Open Centre.

PDV version – bhs language – Zenski fond u BiH – studija izvodljivosti

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