“Be a leader in your family and community, and you will be one on the international stage too”

On Friday, March 8, 2019, observing the occasion of the International Women’s Day, a lecture was held at the IUS Conference Hall on the topic: The Importance of Women’s Participation in International Relations. The conference was held in coordination with the IUS SAGE team, the International Relations Office at IUS and CURE Foundation. The guest of honor was the Deputy Mayor of Reggio Emilia, Ms. Serena Foracchia. Ms. Serena came with the Italian delegation, which was welcomed by the SAGE project coordinator, Assist. Prof. Dr Emin Tahirović and IUS International Relations Office Manager, Ms. Zuhal Guvener. The IR Office Manager presented the participants the forms of international cooperation and student exchanges that IUS is part of, as well as the various activities that are being implemented in the field of international relations. SAGE Project Coordinator, Assist. Prof. Dr Emin Tahirović briefly described the process of implementing the Gender Equality Plan at the IUS, and reminded that IUS is the only higher education institution in the region, that is implementing this type of gender policy in the education sector. Ms. Foracchia shared her own experiences with the participants, as well as the importance of women not only in international relations, but in every social sphere, especially in their local communities.

“The most important thing is to become a person to rely on in your home and your local community, that is, if you are perceived as the leader by those that depend on you directly, then it will be natural to become the same on the international stage”, concluded Ms. Foracchia. The head of the CURE Foundation, Ms. Selma Hadžihalilović, thanked the whole IUS team for being part of this inspiring theory on the occasion of March 8, and the fact that IUS is always there to respond to all gender equality activities.


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