10th Anniversary of the Festival of Women’s Art and Activism in Bosnia and Herzegovina


10th Anniversary of the Festival of Women’s Art and Activism in Bosnia and Herzegovina


PitchWise 2015 – PitchWise Re_Visited


From 10th to 13nd of September 2015 in Sarajevo


With great pleasure we invite you to our recognizable feminist PitchWise (PW) festival of women’s art and activism in BiH, which brings together artists and activists from different generations from all over the country and the world.


The entire program of PW can be found attached HERE



We look forward to welcome you to this year’s PitchWise festival, so please send the completed application form to denija@fondacijacure.org latest by 28.08.2015. by midnight.



In 2015 CURE Foundation is celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Festival of Women’s Art and Activism in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This unique Festival in the Bosnian and Herzegovinian art scene promotes the feminist activist cultural scene and creates a space for the artistic feminist activist expression.


PitchWise gathers socially engaged women artists, activists, theoreticians, feminists and all those concerned for the women’s issues in BiH and the region.


The CURE Foundation works on connecting and networking with the feminist work and culture, and this year we celebrate our experience and continue to move the margins of the artistic – activists scene.


The main subject of 2015 PitchWise Festival is:   


RE_Visited! – An overview of 10 PitchWise Festival years


With this year’s PitchWise Festival we wish to highlight our dedication to the continuity and visibility of occupation of public spaces and transformation of patriarchal practices into the culture of feminist narratives, questioning imposed hetero norms and offering a different culture – culture that promotes peace and nonviolence.

In 2015 we celebrate PitchWise, emphasizing that with PW we think globally – and we act locally. It is how we started – by occupying space – and that is what we still do.

We are Re-visiting the first PitchWise established in 2006, and from then, each September, we are using the PitchWise Festival of Women’s Art and Activism in BiH as a tool against the oppression of the patriarchacy. Through our first PitchWise we aimed to draw the attention of the public to the necessity of occupying of public space for the purpose of questioning and transformation of the society, and towards the necessity of taking over the responsibility for changes in direct social environment.

In 2015 we still work towards the changes in direct social environment and we question feminism in its whole spectrum of diversities, which enables us that even when we criticize and deconstruct the position of power and those who are in positions of power – we still propose possible solutions.


We look forward to welcome you to this year’s PitchWise festival, so please send the completed application form to denija@fondacijacure.org latest by 28.08.2015. by midnight.


The festival, by the feminist tradition, is organized on the principle of volunteerism and has limited funding. We will provide transport and accommodation for registered participants, and applications will be considered as they arrive.

Due to limited funds, priority is given to those who first submit the application form, as well as those that are able to cover at least part of the estimated costs.


CURE Foundation will reimburse travel costs according to the regulations of the new law that requires reimbursement by contract. After the submission of a return ticket, payment will be made via bank. Those participants who do not have a bank account and/or identification card may submit the required information of their parent/legal guardian. The application needs to be filled completely in order for us to make a contract. For persons who do not have a BiH passport please send a scanned copy of your passport with the filled application.

In the attachment you can find the PitchWise application form as well as the program.



Welcome to the  10th Anniversary of the PitchWise Festival


CURE Foundation team!






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